"I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and you father smelt of elderberries!" -Frenchman Taunter
"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."
-Sylvia Plath
hey you dude man lol you told me like last year you wanted that girl at that store lol so bite me lol you dick i thought your audio post where funny. :-P
I have a new nickname for you Pool Boy. dont tell anyone why i called you that i just want it to be between us lol like your "eyes" i know you probably have a crazy look on your face right now but if you think really hard you will get the "eyes" thing.
oh if i spelled something wrong i dont care. so yeah
hey you dude man lol you told me like last year you wanted that girl at that store lol so bite me lol you dick i thought your audio post where funny. :-P
I have a new nickname for you Pool Boy. dont tell anyone why i called you that i just want it to be between us lol like your "eyes" i know you probably have a crazy look on your face right now but if you think really hard you will get the "eyes" thing.
oh if i spelled something wrong i dont care. so yeah
Bi bi <-- lol Bye people.
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