Sunday, November 26, 2006

SCW, Deftones and Sleep Deprivation


He is NOT dead.

I do not want to spoil the storyline that has been leaked to me but his 'death' is a work to help a storyline that is in the works.

I have not spoken to Rob Hochman since his 'death' but all things from my reliable sources point to him being alive and well.

Again, I don't want to reveal any details about the reasons behind this 'stunt' or what-ever you want to call it, I just want to get it out there that ROB HOCHMAN IS NOT DEAD!

I had to do a lot of digging to find this out so I guess in the end, the whole bit may be a success as it turned even many of his friends and former business partners into absolute marks but I think it may have been in bad taste because of the method of his staged death being so similar to so many actual incidents in the wrestling world...

Anywho, just wanted to let those of you concerned know.

If you're not totally disgusted by this whole thing, SCW will be doing a 'tribute' show on December 16, 2006 at 7:30 PM at the Myrtle Beach Armory. There's a chance that the hoax will be revealed at this show but it may be just a lead in show so... Check it out. <-- SCW's website

Apart from that silliness, though, today/tomorrow (the 26th) is my 22nd birthday so... Ya know... Hooray. My parents are coming in for the day which is cool only it means I'll be working off of about 3 hours of sleep tomorrow.
After they leave, I'll be going to see the Deftones with Carissa which should kick a little ass... If I can stay awake! But I don't work tomorrow night so I'm hoping to grab much sleep after the show.

It'd be nice to have some coffee that didn't suck a sack of cocks.

So I finally got to hang out with my son today... Which, shockingly enough, wasn't without dramatics from his mother. Go figure...

Anywho, I've got some stuff to do so... Until next time... Fuck off. Seriously.

And leave comments!

-=The Prynce


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope that you have fun @ the Deftones concert!! Lemmi know how it was ;-)


~*~carissa~*~ said...

ok so using this comment box actually required me to get a stupid google account so...damn. anyway. like i had said before it made me do all the stupid shite....i had a great time at the show and i hope/think you did too:) i look forward to that wrestling thing coming up. should be interesting to say the least! have fun at work :)